- 3175954
- 2023-01-27
- 14:30
- 素人 射精 オナニー ゲイ ノンケ イケメン JAPANESE asian ejaculation ボーイズバンク
- ゲイ
- 85
Movie Description
本作品は「AV新法」(仮称)[ AV出演被害防止・救済法 ] 施行前に撮影を行った作品です。今後もボーイズバンクは法律を遵守し、皆様にお楽しみ頂ける作品をご提供させて頂きます。
【BOYS.BANK ツイッター】
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:43
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:43

今回のイケメン男子は都内某サウナでタオル越しにも分かるほど長そうなモノをブラブラさせてた178.65.19のイケメン君にアタック!声を掛けたところ、最近サウナにハマって毎週友達とサ活してる様子^^ 今日はたまたま1人で来ていたらしい♪ そんな会話の中で短時間バイトの話しをするとまんざらでもない模様^^
This time, the boys went to the sauna store and attacked a handsome 19-year-old man of 178cm65kg with a penis so long you could see it through the towel! When we approached him, he said that he had been coming to the sauna every week with his friends. He happened to be alone today. When I told him about my short-time job during our conversation, he seemed to be satisfied with it.
这一次,男孩们选择了一个178cm65kg的19岁帅哥,他的阴茎长到你可以透过桑拿店的毛巾看到它!"。 当我走近他时,他说他最近每周都会和他的朋友来桑拿房。 他今天碰巧是一个人。 在我们的谈话中,当我告诉他我的短期兼职工作时,他似乎并没有太难过。

The staff, however, wanted to see the big one at any cost, so they persisted with the very tough, handsome guy, and finally reached a negotiated agreement.

サウナで確認済みだけどまずはボディチェック♪ 綺麗な肌にプリプリのお尻、そしてついに生チンが♪んっつ!!デカい!! 平常時なのにめちゃデカっ!! すっぽり皮が被った仮性なところがまたエロいー♪
I've already checked her in the sauna, but first, a body check. Beautiful skin, plump ass, and finally, a look at the penis. It's huge! It's big even though it's normal! The fact that it is completely covered with skin is also very erotic.
我们已经在桑拿房检查了她,但首先要检查她的身体。美丽的皮肤和丰满的臀部,最后我们看到了阴茎。 很大啊! 虽然它是正常的,但它是大的! 它完全被皮肤覆盖的事实也是色情的。

平常時を測ると12センチ!! 中〜大とテニスをやっているようで太腿もパツパツ!カッコ可愛いルックスに似合わないエロ過ぎる下半身はたまりません…。
When I measured him at his normal height, he was 12 cm! She seems to have been playing tennis for some time and has well-developed thighs! Her overly erotic lower body, which does not match her cute looks, is unbearable.
在正常情况下测量时,她有12厘米!!。她已经打了一段时间的网球,大腿很发达!她是一个很好的例子。 她过于色情的下半身,与她可爱的外表不相称,让人无法忍受。

早速エロDVDと初のオナホを渡すと「え?見られてたらムリですけど?」強制的に退室をさせらるスタッフ 笑 あわよくばこのデカマラを味わいたかった…。1人になったところでDVDをつけるとすぐに反応しちゃうイケメン君^^
I immediately handed him an erotic DVD and my first masturbation hole and he said, "What? I can't do it if you're watching me?" I wanted to taste this big dick.... I wanted to taste this penis if I had the chance, and when I turned on the DVD when I was alone, the handsome guy responded immediately.
我立即给了她一张色情DVD和我的第一个自慰洞,她说:"什么? 如果你看着我,我就不能做了?" 工作人员**我离开房间。如果有机会的话,我想尝尝这个阴茎的味道。当我独自一人时,我打开了DVD,这个帅哥立刻做出了反应。

ギンギンになったソレはやっぱりデカい〜!! ズル剥けになったデカチンはめちゃ真っ直ぐの超美チン!!ローション塗れにしたオナホをクチュクチュ、ジュルジュルさせながら漏れてくる喘ぎ声。
The hardened penis is still big! It's a very straight and super beautiful penis. She is moaning while moving it up and down her lotion-covered masturbation hole.
已经变硬的阴茎仍然很大! 非常笔直和超级漂亮的阴茎。 一边呻吟,一边在涂有乳液的自慰洞里上下移动。

段々と高まってくるとオナホを捨てて右手でヌチョヌチュ、最後は「アーっ、イク〜!!」と大きな声を上げながらドピュ、ドピュっ!!ボタっボタっ、と別室にいても聞こえる射精音 笑
As she gets more and more horny, she throws away her masturbation hole and starts to thrust with her right hand, finally saying, "Oh, I'm cumming! and loudly screams, and even though I am in the other room, I can hear the sound of sperm falling to the floor.
随着越来越强烈,他放弃了自慰洞,用右手晃动,最后说:"哦,我射了!" 而且声音很大,即使在另一个房间也能听到精子掉到地上的声音。

フィニッシュ確認に部屋へ入ると…「え??」こんなに飛んだの??まさかの撮影機材に直撃です 笑。しかも量もハンパない!! 交渉中に「今朝抜いたから出ないと思う」って言ってたのに笑。イッたあとでもデカチンをビクビクさせながらグッタリしてるイケメン君^^
When I went into the room to check on the finish, I was like, "Did you fly this far? It was a direct hit to the filming equipment. And a lot of it! During the negotiation, I had said "I don't think it will come out since I pulled it out this morning". After ejaculating, the handsome guy was still shaking his penis and looking a little groggy.
当我进入房间检查完成情况时,我想,'我飞了这么远吗? 这是对拍摄设备的直接打击。 而且是大量的! 在谈判过程中,我说:"我今天早上撤出来了,所以我认为不会出来。" 射精后,这位帅哥还在摇晃着阴茎,昏昏沉沉的。

He said he's only had two experiences with girls and he's horny every day, so maybe next time he'll plan one with a girl!

ps: After the shooting was over, I realized that I had not measured his erection, and when I asked him to measure his penis, which had not yet deflated, it was an astonishingly large penis, over 18 cm. It was extremely erotic to see her walking to the shower with an erection.
The main model wears a mask in this film as well.
Ps: 在我们完成拍摄后,我意识到我没有测量他的勃起,当我让他测量他的阴茎时,他的阴茎仍然没有瘪下去,它是一个惊人的18厘米以上。 当她去洗澡时,看到她带着勃起的东西走来走去,这真是超级色情的。

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