【モニタリンG!!】CASE:23超筋肉エロボディ!! アイスホッケー部員のデカマライケメン男子大学生がご来店!!
Movie Description
BOYS.BANK ツイッター@BoysBank_video
我只想吃一个人! 专为 我只想吃直男 "创建的新标签! [Monitarin G] CASE:23
I just want to eat a man! A new label created just for "I just want to eat a man!" [Monitarin G] CASE23
モニタールーム近くの某スーパーで買い物中だった、いかにも体育会!!オーラを出していたハヤト君♪ これは逃すまい!とさりげなくアタック^^
Hayato在监控室附近的一家超市购物,他身上有一种运动精神的光环。我不能错过他! 我随意地攻击了他。
Hayato was shopping at a supermarket near the monitor room, and he had a very athletic aura about him. I couldn't miss him! I casually attacked him.
はじめは怪しまれながらもギャラの話しをすると突然笑顔(笑)皆んなお金大好きです^^ モニタールームでテーブルに並ぶ珍しいオナホを見て『…。』そうです!今日もレビューして頂くのは新作オナホ♪
起初他们很怀疑,但当我告诉他们钱的事时,他们突然笑了。 每个人都爱钱,不是吗? 今天我们有一个新的自慰洞要评论。
At first they were suspicious, but when I told them about the money, they suddenly smiled. Everyone loves money, don't they? Today, we have a new masturbation hole to review.
まずはボディチェック!と脱いでもらうとこれがまためちゃ良いカラダ!! アイスホッケー部で鍛えられた広い肩幅のエロボディは太い腕にパンパンの胸筋、6パックに割れた固い腹筋とボリューム満点の下半身はエロさ満点!!
首先,要检查身体! 她有一个非常好的身体。她那宽阔的肩膀,是她在冰上曲棍球队训练出来的,充满了情欲,粗壮的手臂,松弛的胸肌,六块腹肌和丰满的下身。
First, a body check! And when I asked her to take off her clothes, she had a very nice body. Her broad-shouldered body, which she trained at the ice hockey club, is full of eroticism, with thick arms, flabby pecs, six-pack abs, and a voluptuous lower body.
这是隼人第一次接触自慰者,所以他开始支持她。 这是他第一次使用自慰器。
Hayato, who has a cheerful personality, has never masturbated before, so I called it support and touched him around. From there on, he's at the mercy of the perverted staff.
Hayato粗大坚硬的阴茎在各种自慰孔中被抽出,甚至在工作人员的触摸下也是如此。 他试图给她口交,但她没有表现出任何兴趣。
He thrusts his big, thick, hard cock into and out of various masturbation holes, which do not wilt even when touched by the staff. In the confusion, Hayato tries his best to give her a blowjob, but she doesn't show him the opportunity.
騎乗位が好きだという事でオナホをソファに持ち出し下からガンガン激しく突き上げ気持ち良さそう^^ 最後は我慢出来ずに声を上げながら濃厚精子をぶっ飛ばしの大発射!!
她喜欢骑在沙发上,所以她把她的自慰洞带到沙发上,从下面用力插入。 最后,她没能忍住,在尖叫声中射出了一大股浓稠的精液。
She likes to ride on the couch, so she takes her masturbation hole out and thrusts hard from underneath, and it looks good. At the end, she couldn't hold back and shot out a huge load of thick sperm while screaming.
アイスホッケー部の男らしく青臭い精子の匂いが部屋に充満!! 終始笑顔の超好青年ハヤト君、オナホの気持ち良さに最後はぐったり笑♪
房间里充满了冰球俱乐部的精液气味。 Hayato从头到尾都在微笑,但由于自慰器的感觉很好,他在最后就瘫软了。
The room is filled with the smell of sperm from a manly ice hockey team. Hayato, a nice young man with a smile on his face from start to finish, goes limp at the end due to how good the masturbator feels.
撮影後、友達とか紹介出来る?と聞くと「よく3Pする友達いるんで女の子呼んでくれたら連れてきますよー^^v」と笑顔^^ ならば次回は女の子交えての3P企画しちゃいます☆
拍完照后,我问他是否可以把我介绍给他的朋友。 她笑着说:"我有个朋友经常做3P,如果你邀请她过来,我就带她过来。 如果是这样的话,我下次会计划和一个女孩玩3P。
After the shoot, I asked her if I could introduce her to a friend. He smiled and said, "I have a friend who often does threesomes, so if you invite her over, I'll bring her along. If that's the case, I'll plan a threesome with a girl next time.
The main model also wears a mask in the film.
我只想吃一个人! 专为 我只想吃直男 "创建的新标签! [Monitarin G] CASE:23
I just want to eat a man! A new label created just for "I just want to eat a man!" [Monitarin G] CASE23
モニタールーム近くの某スーパーで買い物中だった、いかにも体育会!!オーラを出していたハヤト君♪ これは逃すまい!とさりげなくアタック^^
Hayato在监控室附近的一家超市购物,他身上有一种运动精神的光环。我不能错过他! 我随意地攻击了他。
Hayato was shopping at a supermarket near the monitor room, and he had a very athletic aura about him. I couldn't miss him! I casually attacked him.
はじめは怪しまれながらもギャラの話しをすると突然笑顔(笑)皆んなお金大好きです^^ モニタールームでテーブルに並ぶ珍しいオナホを見て『…。』そうです!今日もレビューして頂くのは新作オナホ♪
起初他们很怀疑,但当我告诉他们钱的事时,他们突然笑了。 每个人都爱钱,不是吗? 今天我们有一个新的自慰洞要评论。
At first they were suspicious, but when I told them about the money, they suddenly smiled. Everyone loves money, don't they? Today, we have a new masturbation hole to review.
まずはボディチェック!と脱いでもらうとこれがまためちゃ良いカラダ!! アイスホッケー部で鍛えられた広い肩幅のエロボディは太い腕にパンパンの胸筋、6パックに割れた固い腹筋とボリューム満点の下半身はエロさ満点!!
首先,要检查身体! 她有一个非常好的身体。她那宽阔的肩膀,是她在冰上曲棍球队训练出来的,充满了情欲,粗壮的手臂,松弛的胸肌,六块腹肌和丰满的下身。
First, a body check! And when I asked her to take off her clothes, she had a very nice body. Her broad-shouldered body, which she trained at the ice hockey club, is full of eroticism, with thick arms, flabby pecs, six-pack abs, and a voluptuous lower body.
这是隼人第一次接触自慰者,所以他开始支持她。 这是他第一次使用自慰器。
Hayato, who has a cheerful personality, has never masturbated before, so I called it support and touched him around. From there on, he's at the mercy of the perverted staff.
Hayato粗大坚硬的阴茎在各种自慰孔中被抽出,甚至在工作人员的触摸下也是如此。 他试图给她口交,但她没有表现出任何兴趣。
He thrusts his big, thick, hard cock into and out of various masturbation holes, which do not wilt even when touched by the staff. In the confusion, Hayato tries his best to give her a blowjob, but she doesn't show him the opportunity.
騎乗位が好きだという事でオナホをソファに持ち出し下からガンガン激しく突き上げ気持ち良さそう^^ 最後は我慢出来ずに声を上げながら濃厚精子をぶっ飛ばしの大発射!!
她喜欢骑在沙发上,所以她把她的自慰洞带到沙发上,从下面用力插入。 最后,她没能忍住,在尖叫声中射出了一大股浓稠的精液。
She likes to ride on the couch, so she takes her masturbation hole out and thrusts hard from underneath, and it looks good. At the end, she couldn't hold back and shot out a huge load of thick sperm while screaming.
アイスホッケー部の男らしく青臭い精子の匂いが部屋に充満!! 終始笑顔の超好青年ハヤト君、オナホの気持ち良さに最後はぐったり笑♪
房间里充满了冰球俱乐部的精液气味。 Hayato从头到尾都在微笑,但由于自慰器的感觉很好,他在最后就瘫软了。
The room is filled with the smell of sperm from a manly ice hockey team. Hayato, a nice young man with a smile on his face from start to finish, goes limp at the end due to how good the masturbator feels.
撮影後、友達とか紹介出来る?と聞くと「よく3Pする友達いるんで女の子呼んでくれたら連れてきますよー^^v」と笑顔^^ ならば次回は女の子交えての3P企画しちゃいます☆
拍完照后,我问他是否可以把我介绍给他的朋友。 她笑着说:"我有个朋友经常做3P,如果你邀请她过来,我就带她过来。 如果是这样的话,我下次会计划和一个女孩玩3P。
After the shoot, I asked her if I could introduce her to a friend. He smiled and said, "I have a friend who often does threesomes, so if you invite her over, I'll bring her along. If that's the case, I'll plan a threesome with a girl next time.
The main model also wears a mask in the film.
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Nice shot - erotic when his chests shake
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マスクなのでイケメンかどうかはわからないけど、しょうがないです。 それよりおじさんは、普通の若いスタッフに変えるべき。 おじさんなら、いきなりノンケにしゃぶりついて叩かれたり、キレられて掘られたりとかなら面白いかも。
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顔はそんなに、気にならなかった。 大きめの乳輪がとてもエロい。
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