Movie Description
【BOYS.BANK ツイッター】
专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:41
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:41

今回は手足の長い178cmスタイル抜群の ど・が付くほど男っぽいノンケ大学生^^街中での声掛けで久しぶりに緊張と苦戦をさせられました…。
This time it's a masculine college student with long arms and legs, 178cm, and a great style. He made me nervous and struggled for the first time in a long time when I approached him on the street.
这一次是一个长腿的,178厘米的,注重风格的,阳刚的大学生。 这是很长一段时间以来,第一次让我在街上与人交谈时感到紧张和挣扎。

動画内ではかなりカットさしてますが警戒心MAX、なんとかお金で納得してもらいやっと撮影スタート笑 まずはスタイル抜群のカラダチェックです♪
The video is cut down to the bare minimum, but the camera is on the lookout. The first thing we do is to check out her body, which is in excellent style.
视频被删减了不少,但警觉性已经达到了最高;我们设法让她同意付钱,并最终开始拍摄。 首先要做的是检查一个风格突出的女人的身体。

着衣姿ではスリム系?と思っていたけど脱いでもらうとこれがコリコリのスジ筋エロボディ♪ 程よい胸筋に割れた腹筋。下半身もプリプリで美味しそう^^♪
I thought she was slim in her clothes, but when I asked her to take them off, I found she had a nice firm and muscular body. But when she took off her clothes, she had an erotic body. She has good pecs and firm abs. Her lower body also looks delicious.
在她的衣服里,我认为她是一个苗条的类型? 但当她脱掉衣服时,她有一个色情的身体。她有良好的胸肌和坚实的腹肌。 她的下半身看起来也很美味。
When he takes off his pants, he finds a half-exposed penis! Of course, he spreads his buttocks and checks his anus.
当我要求她脱下裤子时,她有一个半截的阴茎! 当然,他张开臀部,检查自己的肛门。

続けていつものオナニーをお願いし、初の電マを渡して途中からいつものように「ちょっと手伝おうか?」と変態スタッフ。しかーし!いつもなら「まぁ、」とか「はい…」など言われ、どさくさに紛れて色々楽しんじゃうんですが今回は誘いに乗って来ない!! 焦。むしろ断固拒絶 笑。めちゃめちゃ手強い…。
I continued to ask for my usual masturbation, gave him his first electric massager, and halfway through, as usual, asked, "Do you need a little help?" and the perverted staff. However, usually they would say "Okay" or "Yes" and we would have a lot of fun in the midst of the excitement, but this time they would not take me up on the offer! In fact, they firmly refused. He is very tough.
他继续要求他照常手淫,给了他第一个电动按摩器,中途照例问:"你需要一点帮助吗?" 和变态的工作人员。 然而,通常他们会说'好的'或'是的',我们在嘈杂的环境中享受很多乐趣,但这次他们不会接受我的提议!"。 事实上,他们坚决拒绝。 他们非常强硬。

カチカチに勃起したエロチンは大きさ、色、竿、皮、カリ、亀頭、どこを取っても超美形!! 稀に見るこの完璧な美マラを味わいたい…。ひとまずローションまみれのオナホを渡し様子を見てると、最初は初オナホにあまり乗り気じゃなさそうでしたが気持ちいいのか段々と乗ってきて…ヌポヌポ出し入れしたりグチュグチュ緩急つけてスコスコ、シコシコ^^
The size, color, and glans of the erected erotic cock are all beautifully shaped! I want to taste this rare, perfect penis! I handed her a masturbation hole covered in lube and watched her. At first she didn't seem too keen on the idea, but then she started to get on it and started to play with it more and more.
勃起的情色鸡巴,大小、颜色、龟头,各方面都是一种美。我想尝尝这罕见的、完美的阴茎! 我给了她一个涂满润滑油的自慰洞,看着她,她一开始似乎不太喜欢,但后来她开始上手了,开始慢条斯理地玩,看是否感觉良好。

When she is about to come, she looks up to the heavens many times and repeatedly stops just short of coming, enjoying the stimulation of the glans. Her thighs, buttocks, and abdominal muscles tighten hard every time she stops... erotic!
当她要来的时候,她多次抬头看天,反复停在英寸上,享受龟头的刺激。 她的大腿、臀部和腹肌每次都会用力收紧,这是很有情调的。

最初はイマイチだった反応も気持ち良さに段々と声も漏れ出し、最後には「気持ち〜、あ、あ〜!!」とカラダを何度もヒクつかせ自分の太腿に濃いドロドロ精子を大量射精!! 後で聞くといつもオナニーの時はティッシュに出さずに太腿に出すのが気持ちいいんだとか^^今回の超手強かったイケメン君、次回は女の子で釣ってみよーっと^^♪
At first, her reaction was not so good, but she gradually started to scream because of how good it felt, and finally she said, "It feels so good! and finally she ejaculated a large amount of thick sperm on her thigh! Later, she told me that when she masturbates, she always feels good putting it out on her thighs instead of on a tissue. He was a very tough guy this time. Next time, let's try to catch him with a girl!
起初她的反应不是很好,但她逐渐开始放声大哭,因为感觉很好,最后她说:"感觉很好--哦,哦!"。 并在她的大腿上射出了大量浓稠的精液! 后来她告诉我,当她手淫时,把它放在大腿上而不是放在纸巾上总是感觉很好。 这一次,他超级强悍和英俊,下一次,让我们试着抓住他和一个女孩在一起!。

*The main model also wears a mask in this film.
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